Monday, August 23, 2010

Topic 1: Teenage Pregnancy (Part 2 ~ Causes and Effects)

Every problem comes with causes and effects. Here, we have mapped out the causes that bring about unwanted teenage pregnancies. Knowing the causes are important for us to overcome this issue. Besides this, the negative effects of teenage pregnancy should be mentioned to all, so that everyone will be aware about this issue.



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Topic 1: Teenage Pregancy ( Part 1~ Overview)

Teenage pregnancy or some call it adolescent pregnancy is a major social issue that gain loads of attention in Malaysia. It is defined as teenager/ underage female becoming pregnant. Here in this post, we are going to discuss the background of Malaysian teenage pregnancy. Over these years, the statistic of teenage pregnancy given by the Malaysian Welfare Department has shown drastic increase.

The numbers of teenage pregnancy are published by the Malaysian Welfare Department annually. However the numbers seem to be unreliable as there are many cases which are left unreported.

Unlike Western countries, teenage pregnancy in Malaysia is stigmatized. Therefore, these teens might run away from home or dump their newborn babies. Illegal abortions and dumping babies into trash bin are the two worse consequences that caused by teenage pregnancy.

The causes and effects of teenage pregnancy will be further discussed by us in our next post. Upon creating this topic on teenage pregnancy we hope our suggested advices can benefit our teenagers and societies. Till then, stay tuned and read more about this in the next interesting post.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Knowing us & Knowing ESD

What were on our minds when we named this scrapbook “ESD on ESD”? Well, it simply stands for

Enthusiastic Social Defenders on Education for Sustainable Development”
We see ourselves as future teachers with the aim of helping the young generation in developing attitudes, skills & knowledge to make informed decisions for the benefit of themselves and others, now and in the future and to act upon these decisions.

We are focusing on “Social Issues” and therefore, we named ourselves as Social Defenders. Recently many social issues arise capturing the attention of the public. That is why we created this scrapbook to bring up the important social issues and try our best to come up with possible solutions to those problems. We are going to discuss the social issues and solutions base on the elements of sustainable development which consists of:

1) Integrated Decision Making Process,

2) Better Research and Information,

3) Democratic Values,

4) Community Participation,

5) Collaboration,

6) Equity, justice, and share progress,

7) Obligations to future generations,

8) Leadership in all sectors far beyond compliance, and

9) Long term solutions.

We will take turns to update and bring you the most interesting social issues. All readers are welcome to read and reflect on our posts. Let them be negative or positive reviews, we appreciate each reader's thoughtful comments.