Thursday, September 30, 2010

Topic 2: Case Bully in School (Causes & Effects)

Causes of Bully in Schools :
1) Family

  • Lack of involvement in child's interest, activities & daily life
  • Lack of supervision
  • Harsh, physical discipline
  • Overly permissive, lack of limits

2) Peer

  • Engage in bullying behaviors
  • Support bullying behaviors
  • Idealise violence

3) School

  • Unsupervised break time
  • Inconsistent rule enforcement
  • Apathy towards bullying on the part of teachers and administrators.

Effects of Case Bully in Schools:

Effects on the Bullies:

Children who bully are likely to engaged criminal & anti-social behaviours such as:

  • Fighting
  • Vandalism
  • Truancy
  • Stealing
  • Smoking

Effects on the Victims:

  • Experience fear
  • Loneliness
  • Physical illness
  • Lower esteem
  • Suicidal thoughts

POEM on Case Bully

Fist punch.
Foot crunch.
Hand hit.
Mouth spit.
Eye swells.
Can’t see.
Let me be.

Rips my homework.
Steals my money.
Grabs my lunch.
Thinks it’s funny.

I won’t tell, I swear I won’t.
Please don’t do that. I said “Don’t!”

Sticks and stones may break my bones …
… but names can really hurt.

Through the doors.
Up the stairs.
Face is bloody.
No one cares.

In the washroom.
Clean up the mess.
I’ll be safe
Until … recess.

by Andrea Wilson


  1. Bullying is one of the worst things to ever happen in schooling years. The victim will suffer traumatic effects even in adult years and the bully will become worst in character if not stopped at young. We need to address the root of the problem if we want to curb this things in schools. Teachers should be alert to detect the signs of bulling cases in schools and take appropriate action/counseling.

  2. Yes. We have to know the causes and effects first then only can come out with solutions. As we know that the effects of bullying might affect the victim's whole life. I think that not only teachers should be alert but parents also should be alert to detect the signs of bullying on their students and children.

  3. Bullying is rampant in the society nowadays especially among teenagers. It's always "good" for the bullies to bully to others to show that they are more superior than others. However, little do the bullies know that they are causing much effect on the people, who they bully. Those, who got bullied will have the fear of doing anything. Therefore, I think that not only teachers should be aware of preventing bullying from happening, but society needs to be alert in curbing bullying in this country. The fault cannot lie on the teachers themselves, because it is not fair to blame teachers all the time.

  4. Jessica Choo

    Bullying has far-reaching effects for both the victim and the bully. I agree with Esther that the fault is not entirely with the teachers. Fellow students also play their role in looking out for their schoolmates.

  5. Jave: Media is also another cause that bullying happens. There are violent programmes such as WWE aka World Wrestling Champion which the teenagers like to imitate and demonstrate it on the weak. It might cause physical damage, or worse physical impairment if there is a slight mistake. A child might be crippled and has to depend on a walking stick for the whole life.

  6. the topic is interesting because it is very close to the students..bullying nowadays have become some kind of a trend and need to be stops as soon as possible before it gets to critical point where the victims might kill themselves because of the pressure..schools and teachers need to be more firm in overcoming this type of social problem.
