Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Topic 1: Teenage Pregnancy (Part 3 ~ News Flashback)




  1. Chia Ling Mei:
    I think this video is very good to educate students on teen pregnancy. Teacher can show the video in the beginning of the class to give students an opportunity to listen to a real teen mother's thought and feeling. After that, teacher can hold a discussion regarding what would the students do if they found out that they are pregnant. During the discussion, teacher can ask several questions to nurture matured thinking in students' minds. Indirectly, students who think that there's nothing wrong with teen pregnancy get a chance to understand the real situation in raising a kid and would unconsciously tell themselves to stay away from teen pregnancy. I think this video is really effective and suitable to be used in F3, F4 and F5 class.

  2. Yes thank you for your suggestion. The video can be used as part of the teaching material in class. Besides that, I think that the teacher can use the newspaper cuttings above to encourage students to write a letter. They can imagine that one of their friends are pregnant, so what can they do to help their friend and they also need to justify their actions. This activity will not only improve the students' writing skill, it will also strengthen their problem solving skill.
